“Cancer Genomics and Individualized Therapy”
22-26 September 2016

We are pleased to announce the 2016 Golden Helix Summer School that will be held in the island of Syros, Greece, the capital of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean archipelago. The 2016 Golden Helix Summer School will be organized on September 22-26, 2016 and the theme of the Summer School will be “Cancer genomics and individualized treatment” and will revolve around the application of the most important disciplines of Genomic Medicine in Cancer, such as Genomics and Pharmacogenomics, Public Health, informatics, drug design, etc.

Also, we have enriched the scientific program of this 2016 Golden Helix Summer school with a career development session at the last day of this event, in which 6 members of the Faculty will engage into lively discussions with the summer school participants about issues related to career advancement.

Apart from the high quality scientific program, the 2016 Golden Helix Summer School offers an attractive social program that includes a visit to the Apollo Theater in Hermoupolis, and a traditional farewell dinner, allowing participants to get to know each other in a very informal way.

We have made every effort to minimize the registration fees to encourage participation of researchers from lower-income countries.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Syros, Greece next September and to a very fruitful and stimulating conference.

The 2016 Golden Helix Summer School Organizing Committee

Co-organized by:

Under the auspices of:

Approved by:

Important dates

Registration and abstract submission deadline: Abstract submission is now CLOSED. You can still register to attend this event.

Notification of abstract acceptance: August 21st, 2016

Cancellation deadline: August 1st, 2014

Registration fees

590 EUR (on the basis of a double room)
690 EUR (on the basis of a single room)

Registration fees include: Accommodation in a double room for the entire duration of the summer school (4 nights), meals (breakfast, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, welcome reception and farewell traditional party), educational material.

We are pleased to announce the 2016 Golden Helix Summer School that will be held in the island of Syros, Greece, the capital of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean archipelago. The 2016 Golden Helix Summer School will be organized on September 22-26, 2016 and the theme of the Summer School will be “Cancer genomics and individualized treatment” and will revolve around the application of the most important disciplines of Genomic Medicine in Cancer, such as Genomics and Pharmacogenomics, Public Health, informatics, drug design, etc.

Also, we have enriched the scientific program of this 2016 Golden Helix Summer school with a career development session at the last day of this event, in which 6 members of the Faculty will engage into lively discussions with the summer school participants about issues related to career advancement.

Apart from the high quality scientific program, the 2016 Golden Helix Summer School offers an attractive social program that includes a visit to the Apollo Theater in Hermoupolis, and a traditional farewell dinner, allowing participants to get to know each other in a very informal way.

We have made every effort to minimize the registration fees to encourage participation of researchers from lower-income countries.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Syros, Greece next September and to a very fruitful and stimulating conference.

The 2016 Golden Helix Summer School Organizing Committee

Co-organized by:

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Under the auspices of:

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Approved by:

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Important dates

Registration and abstract submission deadline: Abstract submission is now CLOSED. You can still register to attend this event.

Notification of abstract acceptance: August 21st, 2016

Cancellation deadline: August 1st, 2014

Registration fees

590 EUR (on the basis of a double room)
690 EUR (on the basis of a single room)

Registration fees include: Accommodation in a double room for the entire duration of the summer school (4 nights), meals (breakfast, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, welcome reception and farewell traditional party), educational material.

2016 Golden Helix Summer School Venue

The venue of the 2016 Golden Helix Summer School is the Dolphin Bay Resort hotel, situated in an ideal location in the bay of Galissa, by the seaside. Galissas is the most popular touristic destination. Galissas is located in a protected bay on the west coast of the island, which together with Danakos, a small and quiet farming village, number around 500 inhabitants. Galissas beach is long, with shallow-waters, and lined with tamarisk trees and has been awarded the blue-flag by the EU. There are various water sport activities. Area landmarks are the hill and church of Agia Pakou, immediately adjacent to the Dolphin Bay hotel, the small harbor with a quaint stone pier, the beach of Armeos, the large cave of Agios Stefanos with the water springs, as well as the chapels of Agios Mamas and Agios Kyrikos, the oldest church in Syros.

About Syros

Syros is the administrative center of Cyclades islands and is just 80 nautical miles from Athens. In Syros, the unique historical path, cultural wealth and imposing natural environment nicely blend. The island harmoniously combines the cosmopolitan and the traditional, the medieval with the modern urban, the Cycladic with the neoclassic, and the catholic with the Greek Orthodox historical tradition.

In Syros, there are more than 20.000 inhabitants, constituting the largest island of the Cyclades. Ermoupolis is the capital of Syros and of the Cyclades islands, a city that fascinates the visitor from the first moment he enters the harbor, with its breathtaking two hills that dominate the city, with the Catholic church of Saint George and the Greek Orthodox church of Resurrection at the top of each hill, and the impressive neoclassical mansions, built around the big natural harbor of the east coast of the capital city.
Created during the 1821 Greek revolution, Ermoupolis developed quickly into a big trade centre between east and west. The name Ermoupolis was adopted in 1826, dedicated to the kerdoos Ermis (Hermes the profitable). As the time went by, industries, workshops and Neorion shipyards were created in the city, leading to the economic development of Ermoupolis and to a cultural blossoming. This is also reflected in the architecture of the city, where the style created, conforms with the beginning of romantic classicism and is strongly influenced by western models.

Organizing committee

George P. Patrinos (Patras, GR)

Paolo Fortina (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

Federico Innocenti (Chapel Hill, NC, USA)

Confirmed Summer School instructors

Aikaterini Apostolidou (Athens, GR)

Ingolf Cascorbi (Kiel, DE)

Erika Cecchin (Aviano, IT)

Paolo Fortina (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

Henk-Jan Guchelaar (Leiden NL)

Inge Holsappel (The Hague, NL)

Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg (Stockholm, SE)

Federico Innocenti (Chapel Hill, USA)

Dimitrios Kardamakis (Patras, GR)

Theodora Katsila (Patras, GR)

Michael Koukourakis (Alexandroupolis, GR)

Evriklia Lianidou (Athens, GR)

Milan Macek (Prague, CZ)

Ioanna Maroulakou (Alexandroupolis, GR)

Minos-Timotheos Matsoukas (Patras, GR)

Christina Nomikou (Athens, GR)

Dimitrios Papageorgiou (Athens, GR)

George P. Patrinos (Patras, GR)

Kathryn Phillips (San Francisco, CA, USA)

Juergen Reichardt (Urcuqu, EC)

Matthias Samwald (Vienna, AT)

Matthias Schwabb (Stuttgart, DE)

Anastasia Sideri (Athens, GR)

Alessio Squassina (Cagliari, IT)

Alexios Strimpakos (Athens, GR)

Jesse Swen (Leiden, NL)

Ioannis Varthalitis (Chania, GR)

Bauke Ylstra (Amsterdam, NL)

Sarah Wordsworth (Oxford, UK)

Scientific Program


Day 1 Thursday, 22 September 2016

08:00 – 14:20 Arrivals AND Registration

14:20 – 14:30 Introduction


Chairperson: F. Innocenti

14:30 15:00 Alessio SQUASSINA (Cagliari, Italy)

High-throughput technologies to investigate the genome: impact on personalized medicine

15:00 – 15:30 Bauke YLSTRA (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Cytogenomics in Cancer Pathology

15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK


Alessio SQUASSINA, Cagliari, Italy

17:30 – 19:30 DAY ENDS FREE TIME


Day 2 Friday, 23 September 2016

08:00 09:30 BREAKFAST


09:30 – 10:00 Federico INNOCENTI (Chapel Hill, NC, USA)

Cancer treatment and emphasis on precision

10:00 – 10:30 Michael KOUKOURAKIS (Alexandroupolis, Greece)

Tumor microenvironment and implications in cancer therapy

10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00 – 11:30 Ingolf CASCORBI (Kiel, Germany)

Pharmacogenomics of TKI therapy resistance

11:30 – 12:00 Erika CECCHIN (Aviano, Italy)

Tailoring the treatment in colorectal cancer patients: research and clinical application in the field of the host pharmacogenomics

12:00 12:30 Q&A session

12:30 14:30 LUNCH BREAK

14:30 16:00 WORKSHOP 1 (Theodora KATSILA, Patras, Greece)


16:00 – 16:30 COFFEE BREAK

16:30 17:30 FLASH TALKS 1

Chairperson: T. Katsila

FT1 V. Dolan (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Genetic markers of Huerthle Cell neoplasms

FT2 A. Stratopoulos, (Patras, Greece)

Genomic variants in the SLCO1B3 gene may serve as pharmacogenomic biomarkers upon cancer drug administration

FT3 A. Mpitsakos, (Patras, Greece)

Current views and knowledge of drug prescribers on pharmacogenomics and its role in patient-tailored treatment

17:30 – 19:30 DAY ENDS FREE TIME

19:30 – 22:30 DINNER

Day 3 Saturday, 24 September 2016

08:00 09:30 BREAKFAST


Chairperson: A. Squassina

09:30 – 10:00 Matthias SAMWALD (Vienna, Austria)

Personalized Medicine in your pocket? Technologies for making genomic data available at the point-of-care

10:00 – 10:30 Anastasia SIDERI (Athens, Greece)


10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 WORKSHOP 2 (Minos-Timotheos MATSOUKAS, Patras, Greece)


12:30 14:30 LUNCH BREAK


George P. PATRINOS, Patras, Greece

15:30 16:00 Evriklia LIANIDOU (Athens, Greece)

Liquid biopsy and individualized therapy

16:00 16:30 Inge G.A. HOLSAPPEL (The Hague, The Netherlands)

Evidence-based pharmacogenetic guidelines of anticancer drugs


17:00 DEPARTURE FOR THE GUIDED TOUR IN HERMOUPOLIS (Mainly for the English speaking participants)

17:30 19:00 GUIDED TOUR IN HERMOUPOLIS (by Mrs Kalypso Faropoulou)

19:00 RECEPTION AND GUIDED TOUR AT THE HERMOUPOLIS TOWN HALL (by the Chairman of the Syros-Hermoupolos Municipal Council Mr. George Dounavis)


17:30 DEPARTURE FOR THE TSIROPINA MANSION (Mainly for the Greek speaking participants)



Round table moderators: D. Kardamakis, G. Patrinos

18:00 18:10 Welcome by Mrs Thomais Mendrinou, Deputy Mayor; Municipality of Syros-Hermoupolis

18:10 18:20 Ioannis VARTHALITIS, Oncologist, Chairman; Hellenic Medical Society of Oncology, Athens, Greece

Population screening for cancer

18:20 18:30 Alexios STRIMPAKOS, Oncologist, Euroclinic hospital

Prevention and personalized cancer treatment

18:30 18:40 Dimitrios PAPAGEORGIOU, Oncology Nurse, Euroclinic hospital

Nursing management of the cancer patient

18:40 18:50 Aikaterini APOSTOLIDOU, Chairman, Hellenic Cancer Federation

Understanding immune-oncology: The ECPC immune-oncology portal

18:50 19:00 Christina NOMIKOU, Psychologist, Aggigma Zois

Psychological and social support of cancer patient in distant areas

19:00 20:00 General Discussion with the audience


20:30 – 22:30 DINNER

Day 4 Sunday, 25 September 2016

08:00 09:30 BREAKFAST


Chairperson: K. Phillips

09:30 – 10:00 Milan MACEK (Prague, Czech Republic)

Precision medicine in cystic fibrosis: the role of cost of illness analyses

10:00 10:30 Jesse SWEN (Leiden, the Netherlands)

Safety, feasibility and cost-effectiveness of genotype-directed individualized dosing of fluoropyrimidines

10:30 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00 11:30 Kathryn PHILLIPS (San Francisco, CA, USA)

Challenges and opportunities for measuring the economic value of multi-gene tests

11:30 12:00 Sarah WORDSWORTH (Oxford, UK)

The economics of Cancer Genomics: Is it cost-effective?

12:00 12:30 Q&A session

12:30 14:30 LUNCH BREAK


16:30 17:30 FLASH TALKS 2

Chairperson: E. Cecchin

FT4 A. Balasopoulou (Patras, Greece)

A preemptive pharmacogenomics strategy to tailored-made therapeutics against cancer: the U-PGx paradigm

FT5 E. Giannopoulou (Patras, Greece)

Comparative study and meta-analysis of meta-analysis studies for the correlation of genomic markers with early cancer detection

FT6 T. Katsila (Patras, Greece)

Identification of cancer predisposition variants in apparently healthy individuals using a next generation sequencing-based family genomics approach

17:30 – 19:30 DAY ENDS FREE TIME

19:30 – 22:30 FARE WELL DINNER

21:00 21:45 TRADITIONAL DANCES (performed by the Lyceum Club of Greek Women Syros,http://www.lykeionellinidon.gr/index_en.html)

Day 5 Monday, 26 September 2016

08:00 09:30 BREAKFAST


Chairperson: G.P. Patrinos

09:30 – 10:00 Henk-Jan GUCHELAAR (Leiden, the Netherlands)

Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics (the EU Horizon 2020 project): Making actionable pharmacogenomic data and effective treatment optimization accessible to every European citizen

10:00 10:30 Matthias SCHWAB (Stuttgart, Germany)

Cancer Pharmacogenomics: The way beyond


10:30 11:30 Magnus INGELMAN-SUNDBERG (Stockholm, Sweden)

Pharmacogenomic and epigenomic biomarkers for prediction of drug response


BA1 J.S.WILLIAMS, J. Jezkova, F. Pinto, S.J. Sammut, G.T. Williams, S. Gollins, R.J. McFarlane, R.M. Reis, J.A. Wakeman
North West Cancer Research Institute, School of Medical Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, UK

Brachyury identifies a class of enteroendocrine cells in normal human small intestinal and colonic crypts

BA2 R. RONCATO, G. Toffoli, M. Montico, S. Gagno, M. Garziera, E. Poletto, E. De Mattia, R. Sorio, V. Canzonieri, G. Giorda, E. Cecchin
Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Unit CRO-National Cancer Institute, Aviano, Italy

A tumor genetic signature of patients prognosis and response to a platinum-based treatment in High-Grade Ovarian cancer

12:00 12:15 Summer School coordinators – Conclusions



We thank the following collaborating entities and companies who are generously supporting this event:


Communication sponsors