The Golden Helix Foundation organizes high profile scientific symposia in the field of personalized medicine, namely the Golden Helix Symposia. Furthermore, the Golden Helix Foundation organizes the Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics days, an educational event that is organized in major cities with large academic hospitals. The aims of these events are: (a) to provide timely updates on the field of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine to the local biomedical scientists and healthcare providers, (b) to inform them on the application of pharmacogenomics in various areas of medical practice, such as psychiatric disorders, oncology, cardiology, and (c) to bring together faculty members from universities and research institutes from the local scientific arena working in the field of pharmacogenomics in order to initiate collaborative projects in this field to the benefit of society.
Finally, the Golden Helix Foundation organizes, in concert with other scientific societies, other scientific conferences and educational activities, to achieve knowledge transfer to society and produces informational material to outreach society in an effort to educate the general public on timely issues related to personalized medicine.